I am getting an error “The Server not operational”

This error most commonly occurs when the server used in direct server binding cannot be contacted. It can be caused by:

  • An incorrect server name in WhereToBind (e.g LDAP://incorrect-server-name.test.com/OU=Test,DC=test,DC=com)
  • Insufficient permissions to connect to the server (try using different credentials for the host instance that handles ActiveADAPTER)
Which properties of Active Directory objects can ActiveADAPTER modify?

Virtually all properties. ActiveADAPTER can update, add to, or clear all properties that are compatible with string, number and byte array data types. A number of special properties are also integrated - objectGUID and objectSid, for example. This covers virtually all the properties you can see using Active Directory Users and Computers.

If there are specific properties you wish to use that you are having trouble with, let us know!

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What version of the .NET framework does ActiveADAPTER require?

.NET framework 3.5SP1. If it is not installed it can be easily downloaded and installed from Microsoft at:


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Will the ActiveADAPTER Send Adapter return error information back to my orchestration?

Yes. The adapter will return any exceptions back to your application AFTER any retries you have configured have been done.

Within your orchestration you can use Scope shapes to catch exceptions. In your exception handlers you can retrieve the error description to determine which way to branch.

Sample orchestrations that illustrate exception handing are included in the ActiveADAPTER Samples folder.

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