
It’s always great if our customers help us give back to the BizTalk community.

We monitor and contribute to the Microsoft BizTalk Adapters Forum, so if you have a development problem you are trying to solve with ActiveADAPTER please post to this forum and allow others to share your solutions.

If you think your issue has more to do with the functioning of ActiveADAPTER, contact us with a description of the issue you are having at:

Please include screenshots, and as much configuration information as possible along with your full contact details in case we need to phone or Skype.

Can I use the ActiveADAPTER Send Adapter with dynamic send ports?

Yes. The Send Adapter is fully compatible with dynamic ports.

A sample orchestration showing the use of ActiveADAPTER with dynamic send ports is included in the ActiveADAPTER\Samples folder.

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What transactional strategy does the ActiveADAPTER Send Adapter use?

The Send Adapter commits changes per message and per object. This means commits cannot span messages. Within a message, changes to an object are all committed together. To ensure changes are all or nothing, therefore, the strategy you need to use is one message per object.

See the entire answer

Which properties of Active Directory objects can ActiveADAPTER modify?

Virtually all properties. ActiveADAPTER can update, add to, or clear all properties that are compatible with string, number and byte array data types. A number of special properties are also integrated - objectGUID and objectSid, for example. This covers virtually all the properties you can see using Active Directory Users and Computers.

If there are specific properties you wish to use that you are having trouble with, let us know!

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